Established in 2020, CoreTech Solutions emerged as a spin-off from the internal development team of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Pécs, Hungary. Our mission was to leverage our expertise in digital product development gained in serving the university and its clinics to other healthcare organizations, thereby contributing to the digitalization of Hungarian healthcare.

Despite transitioning from academia to the competitive sphere, we have not abandoned our academic mindset. Our involvement in previous research and development projects and our practical experience gained through collaboration with clinics fundamentally shape our approach to projects. We lay the foundation for our developments through meticulous research and planning, as well as by utilizing our "on field" experience. The success of our projects is largely attributed to the medical colleagues who strengthen our team and the network of researchers, professors, and experts working in healthcare, who enable us to develop the most effective digital product concepts for our partners with deep understanding and practicality. CoreTechs Solutions bridges two worlds: we make the scientific approach accessible to players in the competitive sphere while ensuring profit-oriented efficiency in academic fields.

A Coretechs Solutions brings together two worlds: we make a scientific approach accessible to the private sector while ensuring profit-oriented efficiency in academic fields.

Over the years, numerous healthcare software and IoT solutions developed by our team have proven their worth in healthcare and medical education. We are proud that the digital products developed by our team make the work of doctors, educators, and healthcare professionals easier and more transparent on a daily basis, saving them a significant amount of time and providing them with previously unimaginable levels of information and efficiency.